Lead Generation

Fill your sales pipeline with warm and qualified business leads

Looking to grow and expand your business?

We provide lead generation services that are designed to help get you in front of your target prospects at the best time — when they are most interested and ready to listen to what you have to offer.



Goroi Data specialize in providing Business Leads and Marketing Leads specific to your target Market. We provide complete online lead Management solution to capture your potential Clients base and help you increase your Sales ROI With a focus on lead quality, Goroi Data ensures you spend time only on leads that are highly closable.

Our proven lead generation process to qualify sales leads will help your company

Increase Sales & Revenue

Better lead management leads to better sales – we’ll show you how to sell more, sell sooner, and sell more often.

Reduce Costs Per Sales

Better leads generation and more focused efforts to qualify business lead results in more efficient appointment setting and more productive conversations with prospects. We help you spend less time on unproductive sales leads, and more time closing deals.

Take One Thing Off Your 'To-Do' List

By outsourcing your lead generation to get leads online to us, you can eliminate a challenging management process, get expert guidance in the B2B lead generations and appointment setting, and get timely results. And our Marketing leads generation services are always able to scale to meet your future business needs.

Why Choose Goroi Data as your Lead Generation Partner?

Our Marketing leads is being used by healthcare companies, technology companies, insurance firms, real-estate agencies, education, travel, BFSI, among others. You never know how many customers are interested in your product/service. With Value Direct leads generation, you are assured to witness increased ROI, get leads that are sales-ready, relevant, and measurable. 

Here are few of our Business leads generation programs:

  • B2B sales leads
  • Email Campaigns
  • Online Lead generation‘s data
  • Email /telemarketing leads
  • You can use our Pre-qualified leads to generate sales inquiries and close more
  •  Re-marketing and re targeting